About the group
The Geophysical Fluid Dynamics group resides within the Institute of Geophysics as part of the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at ETH Zurich.
We study flow and deformation ("geodynamics") of the solid Earth and other planetary bodies using computational modelling. Our research covers a wide range of temporal and spatial scales, from features that can be observed by a geologist in the field, to global, 3D spherical models, and a correspondingly wide range of topics, from crustal and lithospheric deformation, to the geochemical evolution of entire planets over billions of years.
The group is active in the development of novel numerical methods for studying geodynamic processes using finite difference, finite volume or finite element discretizations, Lagrangian markers and multigrid preconditioners. We own a substantial portion of both ETH Zurich's high perfomance computer cluster Euler.